public class SocialDistance : Interactions
Estimate social distance to other app users to encourage people to keep their distance from people. This is intended to be used to generate a daily score as indicator of behavioural change to improve awareness of social mixing behaviour.
Calculate social distance score based on maximum RSSI per 1 minute time window over duration A score of 1.0 means RSSI >= measuredPower in every minute, score of 0.0 means no encounter or RSSI less than excludeRssiBelow in every minute.
- measuredPower defines RSSI at 1 metre
- excludeRssiBelow defines minimum RSSI to include in analysis
public func scoreByProximity(_ start: Date, _ end: Date = Date(), measuredPower: Double = -32, excludeRssiBelow: Double = -65) -> Double
Calculate social distance score based on number of different devices per 1 minute time window over duration A score of 1.0 means 6 or more in every minute, score of 0.0 means no device in every minute.
public func scoreByTarget(_ start: Date, _ end: Date = Date(), maximumDeviceCount: Int = 6, excludeRssiBelow: Double = -65) -> Double