Adding herald to your app

Adding Herald to your app

The process for inserting Herald into your app is similar in concept for both iOS and Android. It involves copying the Herald library from the test app into your app and making the library accessible from your app. This section presents the procedure for inserting the library for iOS and Android.


  1. Open your app project for integration with Herald in Android Studio.
  2. Copy the Herald subfolder from the Herald test app project into your project.
  3. Open settings.gradle and insert the following line.

    include ':Herald'

  4. Select File > Sync Project with Gradle Files, the Herald module should now appear in your project.
  5. Open build.gradle for your app and insert the following line.

    implementation project(':Herald')

  6. Select File > Sync Project with Gradle Files, the Herald module is now available for use in your project.
  7. Copy requestPermissions and onRequestPermissionsResult methods from the MainActivity of the Herald test app into your main app activity, along with the permissionRequestCode static variable; call the requestPermissions method on initialisation of your app to ensure all the required permissions are requested and granted for Herald to function.
  8. Select Build > Make Project to ensure Herald is able to coexist with your existing app code, resolve any naming clashes and compilation errors now before proceeding to integration.


  1. Open your app project for integration with Herald in Xcode.
  2. Copy the Herald subfolder from the Herald test app project into your app project in Finder.
  3. Drag and drop Herald.xcodeproj from the Herald subfolder in your project from Finder into Xcode under your project, the Herald.framework product is now available for use in your app.
  4. Open your app configuration, go to General > Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content, then drag and drop the Herald.framework product to this list to add the framework as dependency.
  5. Select Product > Clean Build Folder, then Product > Build For > Testing to ensure Herald is able to coexist with your existing app code, resolve any naming clashes and compilation errors now before proceeding to integration
  6. The Herald framework is now available for use in your app by importing the Herald module in your app code with the following line at the top of your code.

    import Herald

Future options

In future (v1.2) Herald will be available from common Maven, Gradle, and CocoaPods repositories.

Now integration Herald to your app

There are iOS and Android application integration pages for this

Getting Started

To help you get started, see the documentation.