herald  2.0.0
Public Member Functions | List of all members
herald::ble::BLEDevice Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for herald::ble::BLEDevice:

Public Member Functions

 BLEDevice (BLESensorConfiguration &config)
 BLEDevice (BLESensorConfiguration &config, BLEDeviceDelegate &delegate, const Date &created=Date())
 BLEDevice (BLESensorConfiguration &config, TargetIdentifier identifier, BLEDeviceDelegate &delegate, const Date &created=Date())
 BLEDevice (const BLEDevice &other)
 BLEDevice (BLEDevice &&other)=delete
void reset (const TargetIdentifier &newID, BLEDeviceDelegate &newDelegate)
 Resets the device to what it's state would be if just constructed. Allows re-use in fixed size containers.
BLEDeviceoperator= (const BLEDevice &other)
BLEDevice operator= (BLEDevice &&other)=delete
bool operator== (const BLEDevice &other) const noexcept
bool operator!= (const BLEDevice &other) const noexcept
const BLESensorConfigurationconfiguration () const noexcept
 Returns the BLESensorConfiguration reference relating to this instance.
const TargetIdentifieridentifier () const override
void identifier (const TargetIdentifier &) override
std::string description () const
 operator std::string () const
TimeInterval timeIntervalSinceLastUpdate () const override
void advertData (std::vector< BLEAdvertSegment > segments)
void services (std::vector< UUID > services)
bool hasService (const UUID &serviceUUID) const
BLEDeviceState state () const
void state (BLEDeviceState newState)
BLEDeviceOperatingSystem operatingSystem () const
void operatingSystem (BLEDeviceOperatingSystem newOS)
RSSI rssi () const
void rssi (RSSI newRSSI)
std::optional< BLETxPower > txPower () const
void txPower (BLETxPower newPower)
TimeInterval timeIntervalSinceLastPayloadDataUpdate () const
TimeInterval timeIntervalSinceLastWritePayloadSharing () const
TimeInterval timeIntervalSinceLastWritePayload () const
TimeInterval timeIntervalSinceLastWriteRssi () const
TimeInterval timeIntervalUntilIgnoreExpired () const
std::optional< UUIDsignalCharacteristic () const
void signalCharacteristic (UUID newChar)
std::optional< UUIDpayloadCharacteristic () const
void payloadCharacteristic (UUID newChar)
std::optional< BLEMacAddresspseudoDeviceAddress () const
void pseudoDeviceAddress (BLEMacAddress newAddress)
PayloadData payloadData () const
void payloadData (PayloadData newPayloadData)
bool ignore () const
void ignore (bool newIgnore)
void invalidateCharacteristics ()
void registerDiscovery (Date at)

Member Function Documentation

◆ hasService()

bool herald::ble::BLEDevice::hasService ( const UUID serviceUUID) const

Does the service list contain a service UUID?

◆ services()

void herald::ble::BLEDevice::services ( std::vector< UUID services)

Have we set the service list for this device yet? (i.e. done GATT service discover) Set services found on this device (set, not append)

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