▼Nherald | Acts as a non-global memory arena for arbitrary classes |
▼Nanalysis | |
►Naggregates | |
CCount | |
CMean | |
CMode | |
CVariance | |
CMedian | |
CGaussian | Gaussian |
Caggregate | A Variadic aggregation function requiring aggregations to be prior initialised (i.e. configured) |
Csummarise | |
►Nalgorithms | |
►Ndistance | |
CFowlerBasic | |
CFowlerBasicAnalyser | |
►Nrisk | |
CRiskAggregationBasic | |
►Nsampling | A set of structs compatible with, but not reliant upon, views and ranges in Herald |
CSample | The Sample taken from an object with ID of type SampledID |
CSampleIterator | FWD DECLARATION |
CSampleList | |
►Nviews | |
Csince | |
Cdual_filter | Dual or chained filter |
Cin_range | |
Cgreater_than | |
Cless_than | |
Citerator_proxy | |
Cfilter_fn | |
Cview | |
Cfiltered_iterator_proxy | |
Cfilter | |
Cto_view | |
COptionalSensorLogger | |
CLoggingAnalysisDelegate | Logs any given type of sample to the Herald logging subsystem as a Debug message |
CListManager | Manages a set of lists for a particular Sample Value Type |
CVariantSet | A fixed size set that holds exactly one instance of the std::variant for each of the specified ValTs value types |
CAnalysisDelegateManager | Convenience wrapper for all AnalysisDelegate types used by the analysis API |
CAnalysisProviderManager | Convenience wrapper for all AnalysisProvider types used by the analysis API |
CAnalysisRunner | Manages all sample lists, sources, sinks, and analysis instances for all data generated within a system |
CSensorDelegateRSSISource | Connects the RSSI readings from a SensorDelegate to a source for AnalysisRunner data |
▼Nble | |
►Nfilter | |
CBLEAdvertSegment | |
CBLEScanResponseData | |
CBLEAdvertManufacturerData | |
CBLEAdvertAppleManufacturerSegment | |
CConcreteBLESensor | |
Clast_updated_descending | Provides a callable that assists in ordering for most recently updated BLEDevice |
CConcreteBLEDatabase | |
CHeraldProtocolBLECoordinationProvider | |
CBLEDatabase | |
CBLEDatabaseDelegate | |
CBLEDeviceFlags | INTERNAL Herald class used to minimise the memory footprint with hundreds of devices nearby |
CDiscoveredState | |
CRelevantState | |
CBLEDevice | |
CBLEDeviceDelegate | |
CBLEMacAddress | |
CHeraldProtocolV1Provider | |
CBLESensorConfiguration | Defines BLE sensor configuration data, e.g. service and characteristic UUIDs |
CBluetoothStateManager | |
CBluetoothStateManagerDelegate | |
CConcreteBLEReceiver | Dummy implementation of a ConcreteBLEReceiver that does nothing (used for testing) |
CConcreteBLETransmitter | Dummy implementation of a ConcreteBLETransmitter that does nothing (used for testing) |
CConnectedDeviceState | |
▼Ndata | |
CErrorStreamContactLogger | |
CDevNullLoggingSink | |
CPayloadDataFormatter | |
CConcretePayloadDataFormatter | |
CSensorLogger | |
CStdOutLoggingSink | |
CZephyrLoggingSink | |
▼Ndatatype | Contains all low-level Herald datatype implementations |
CBase64String | Strongly, rather than stringly, typed representation of Base64 String data. Prevents incorrect initialisation or manipulation |
CDataRef | The main data workhorse class of the Herald API |
CDataSections | Represents a fixed array of Data references using the default memory arena that tracks its own in-use size |
CDate | |
CDistance | |
CDistribution | |
CEncounter | |
CErrorCode | |
CImmediateSendData | |
CLocation | |
CLocationReference | |
CMemoryArenaEntry | Represents an external 'pointer' to an allocated memory area |
CMemoryArena | Very basic paged memory arena class |
CPayloadData | |
CPayloadSharingData | |
CPayloadTimestamp | |
CPlacenameLocationReference | |
CProximity | |
CAllZerosNotRandom | |
CIntegerDistributedRandomSource | |
CRandomnessGenerator | |
CSHA256 | |
CTargetIdentifier | |
CTimeInterval | |
CWGS84CircularAreaLocationReference | |
CWGS84PointLocationReference | |
▼Nengine | Engine classes provide for task scheduling, including complex inter-dependent tasks |
CActivity | An activity that needs to be performed due to some state being achieved in a Sensor |
CCoordinationProvider | Coordination management class that arranges Sensor's periodic requirements and activity interdependencies |
CCoordinator | Coordinates all connection and activities used across all sensors within Herald |
▼Npayload | |
►Nbeacon | |
CBeaconPayloadDataSupplier | |
CConcreteBeaconPayloadDataSupplierV1 | |
►Nextended | |
CExtendedData | |
CExtendedDataSegmentCodesV1 | |
CConcreteExtendedDataSectionV1 | |
CConcreteExtendedDataV1 | |
►Nfixed | |
CFixedPayloadDataSupplier | |
CConcreteFixedPayloadDataSupplierV1 | |
►Nsimple | |
CK | |
CSimplePayloadDataSupplier | |
CConcreteSimplePayloadDataSupplierV1 | |
▼Nzephyrinternal | Internal zephyr namespace DO NOT USE - API MAY CHANGE WITHOUT WARNING |
CAdvertiser | |
CCallbacks | INTERNAL utility class to allow Zephyr C API to call callbacks in the Zephyr internal Context Impl class |
CContext | Compile-time Context class, customisable via template traits. Provides generic access to OS system features |
CDefaultPlatformType | |
CDefaultSensorDelegate | Default implementation that provides implementations for each delegate callback |
CDevice | Generic abstraction of a particular local proximate device type |
CSensorArray | Manages all Sensors and sensor delegates for Herald |
CTypeT | |
CSensorDelegateSet | A set of variant typed Sensor Delegate instances. Delegate callbacks can be invoked on the whole set, if supported by each |
CZephyrContextProvider | Holds generic state across our application for any Zephyr RTOS device |
▼Nstd | |
Chash< herald::datatype::DataRef< MemoryArenaT > > | |
Chash< herald::datatype::TargetIdentifier > | |