herald  2.0.0
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 Cherald::engine::ActivityAn activity that needs to be performed due to some state being achieved in a Sensor
 Cherald::analysis::aggregates::aggregate< Aggs >A Variadic aggregation function requiring aggregations to be prior initialised (i.e. configured)
 Cherald::analysis::AnalysisDelegateManager< DelegateTypes >Convenience wrapper for all AnalysisDelegate types used by the analysis API
 Cherald::analysis::AnalysisProviderManager< ProviderTypes >Convenience wrapper for all AnalysisProvider types used by the analysis API
 Cherald::analysis::AnalysisRunner< AnalysisDelegateManagerT, AnalysisProviderManagerT, SourceTypes >Manages all sample lists, sources, sinks, and analysis instances for all data generated within a system
 Cherald::datatype::Base64StringStrongly, rather than stringly, typed representation of Base64 String data. Prevents incorrect initialisation or manipulation
 Cherald::ble::BLEDeviceFlagsINTERNAL Herald class used to minimise the memory footprint with hundreds of devices nearby
 Cherald::ble::BLESensorConfigurationDefines BLE sensor configuration data, e.g. service and characteristic UUIDs
 Cherald::zephyrinternal::CallbacksINTERNAL utility class to allow Zephyr C API to call callbacks in the Zephyr internal Context Impl class
 Cherald::ble::ConcreteBLETransmitter< ContextT, PayloadDataSupplierT, BLEDatabaseT, SensorDelegateSetT >Dummy implementation of a ConcreteBLETransmitter that does nothing (used for testing)
 Cherald::ble::ConcreteBLETransmitter< ContextT, PayloadDataSupplierT, herald::ble::ConcreteBLEDatabase< ContextT, 10 >, SensorDelegateSetT >
 Cherald::Context< PlatformT, LoggingSinkT, BluetoothStateManagerT >Compile-time Context class, customisable via template traits. Provides generic access to OS system features
 Cherald::engine::CoordinationProviderCoordination management class that arranges Sensor's periodic requirements and activity interdependencies
 Cherald::engine::Coordinator< ContextT >Coordinates all connection and activities used across all sensors within Herald
 Cherald::datatype::DataRef< MemoryArenaT >The main data workhorse class of the Herald API
 Cherald::datatype::DataSections< maxSize >Represents a fixed array of Data references using the default memory arena that tracks its own in-use size
 Cherald::DefaultSensorDelegateDefault implementation that provides implementations for each delegate callback
 Cherald::DeviceGeneric abstraction of a particular local proximate device type
 Cherald::analysis::views::dual_filter< Pred1, Pred2 >Dual or chained filter
 Cherald::data::ErrorStreamContactLogger< ContextT, PayloadDataFormatterT >
 Cherald::analysis::views::filter< Pred >
 Cherald::analysis::views::filter_fn< Pred >
 Cherald::analysis::views::filtered_iterator_proxy< Coll, Pred, ValT, IterT, SizeT >
 Cherald::analysis::views::greater_than< VT >
 Cstd::hash< herald::datatype::DataRef< MemoryArenaT > >
 Cstd::hash< herald::datatype::TargetIdentifier >
 Cherald::analysis::views::in_range< VT >
 Cherald::analysis::views::iterator_proxy< Coll, ValT, IterT, SizeT >
 Cherald::ble::last_updated_descendingProvides a callable that assists in ordering for most recently updated BLEDevice
 Cherald::analysis::views::less_than< VT >
 Cherald::analysis::ListManager< ValT, Size >Manages a set of lists for a particular Sample Value Type
 Cherald::datatype::Location< LocationReferenceT >
 Cherald::analysis::LoggingAnalysisDelegate< ContextT, ValT >Logs any given type of sample to the Herald logging subsystem as a Debug message
 Cherald::datatype::MemoryArena< MaxSize, AllocationSize >Very basic paged memory arena class
 Cherald::datatype::MemoryArena< 8192, 8 >
 Cherald::datatype::MemoryArenaEntryRepresents an external 'pointer' to an allocated memory area
 Cherald::analysis::OptionalSensorLogger< ContextT >
 Cherald::datatype::RandomnessGenerator< RandomnessSourceT >
 Cherald::analysis::sampling::Sample< ValT >The Sample taken from an object with ID of type SampledID
 Cherald::analysis::sampling::SampleIterator< SampleListT, ValT >FWD DECLARATION
 Cherald::analysis::sampling::SampleList< SampleT, MaxSize, SampleValueT >
 Cherald::SensorArray< ContextT, PayloadDataSupplierT, SensorTs >Manages all Sensors and sensor delegates for Herald
 Cherald::analysis::SensorDelegateRSSISource< RunnerT >Connects the RSSI readings from a SensorDelegate to a source for AnalysisRunner data
 Cherald::SensorDelegateSet< SensorDelegateTs >A set of variant typed Sensor Delegate instances. Delegate callbacks can be invoked on the whole set, if supported by each
 Cherald::data::SensorLogger< LoggingSinkT >
 Cherald::analysis::aggregates::summarise< Aggs >
 Cherald::TypeT< T >
 Cherald::analysis::VariantSet< ValTs >A fixed size set that holds exactly one instance of the std::variant for each of the specified ValTs value types
 Cherald::analysis::VariantSet< herald::analysis::ListManager< SourceTypes, ListSize >... >
 Cherald::analysis::views::view< IterProxyT, BaseValT, BaseIterT, BaseSizeT >